Ms. Hanifa
High Point – Community Center
May 24-28, 2021
- Rental Assistance
- Tuesday, May 25, 2021 Parent Meeting at 4:00 – 5:30 PM.
- Tools of the Mind link Explore in Parent Center.
- Use this link to receive learning materials from the Library:
- Times for Curb Side Pick-Up:
- Where: HighPointLibrary
- When: Wednesday Friday and Sunday 12-6 pm
- Free Printing 10 pages per day :
- Eid – No Class
- Prepare all materials in backpack.
- REMINDER: Please remove any distractions (toys, TV, Distractions)
- REMINDER: Please have your child use the bathroom before class starts.
- All videos have a password please refer to the text message or email.
Movement / Play
Practice stretching in the morning when you wake up. 1-5 times a week for 15 minutes.
Language / Literacy
- Watch video:
- Read book Llama Llama Red Pajama. Talk about words that rhyme. Try to think of other words that rhyme.
Math / Science
- Review and make a number line from 1-20. Pick any number and talk about which number comes before and which number came after.
- Make a simple patter using shapes. Remind children patterns are things that repeat. Start with a simple pattern using shapes. (Triangle circle triangle circle…)
(10 minutes 3 times a week)
Art / Writing
- Draw a picture of a cake using only shapes.
- Graphics Practice class review ask your child to practice drawing:
- Waves or (bump)
- Mountains (Up down up down)
- Zigzag (across slant across)
Math / Science
Challenge of the Week:
Watch video and practice counting in English, Arabic, Somali, Oromo and Tigrinya. 05.11.21 High Point Hanifa on Vimeo
(15 minutes/ daily)